47 more Shramik Express trains leaving from Gujarat today

Gandhinagar: 47 more Shramik Express trains are leaving Gujarat today including 37 trains to Uttar Pradesh(UP), 4 to Bihar, 2 to Odisha and 1 each to Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand.

Of these trains, 15 will be leaving from Surat, 11 from Ahmedabad, 5 from Rajkot, 2 each from Bharuch, Gandhidham and Vapi and 1 each from other cities.

Each train today will carry around 16,00 laborers and therefore total migrant laborers to be transported by trains will be 75,200.

Till yesterday midnight as many as 3.95 lakh migrant laborers departed in trains from Gujarat. By midnight today 75,000 more will be leaving.

Out of 10 lakh migrant laborers moving to their native places to mee their family members, 4 lakh are from Gujarat.

The laborers want to visit their family members in this difficult time. Then there’s also summer vacation underway. The State government wants to felicitate last person who wants to visit his/her native place through the arrangements of Shramik Express trains.

These details were shared by Ashwani Kumar, Secretary, Gujarat Chief Minister’s office today in his daily briefing.
