Narendra Modi opens senior IAS officer’s Photo exhibition(Photos/Video)

Ahmedabad, 27 January 2012

Chief Minister Narendra Modi today expressed his resolve to develop a Buddhist tourist circuit and build a world-class majestic Buddha temple in Gujarat, making the state an important destination for Buddhist pilgrims from Sri Lanka, China and Japan. He said that Gujarat has several Buddhist sites.

Inaugurating a photographic exhibition by senior IAS officer Varun Maira’s exhibition on Bhutan at Hutheesing Art Centre here, Mr. Modi said lauded Mr. Maira’s efforts to frame photographs of Buddhist and other heritage sites of Bhutan and, of course, the magnificent. It is not easy to infuse life into pictures of stones.

Talking about the State’s potential as tourist destination, Mr. Modi said that Gujarat has more heritage sites per unit km than anywhere else in the country to the delight of any photographer.

Mr. Modi took round of the gallery with Mr. Umang Hutheesing.

Mr. Maira thanked the Chief Minister a source of his inspiration for looking at things from a photographer’s angle.

Chief Minister’s speech on this occasion

IAS Varun Maira’s photo exhibition on Bhutan from January 26th