Gujarat Chief Minister’s take on Budget 2013-14

By our correspondent, Gandhinagar, 20 February 2013

Here is Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s take on Gujarat Budget 2013-14. The main highlights: This is the first budget of our new government, and we will contribute lion share in growth of the nation in 12th five-year plan. This budget is about connecting youth power to development, it gives equal opportunity of development to rural and urban Gujarat. Gujarat is a state of small farmers, fortunately farmers are adopting micro-irrigation. We have made micro-irrigation free from taxes. This budget touches all, and connects all to development. Those who understand the language of plan and non-plan would understand well that if the budget of India is compare to budget of Gujarat, the GoI spends only 35% for development, and spends 65% for administration and arrangements. In Gujarat 65% is spent for development and only 35% in administration and arrangements.