No relief for Yash Raj and Netflix against stay on release of Maharaj

Ahmedabad: Netflix, which is facing allegations of not just being an entertainment platform but a narrative-agenda-perception playing foreign platform against Hindus in India, failed to receive any relief from the Gujarat High Court in the Maharaj movie release-related case.

After the Gujarat High Court stayed the release of Junaid Khan starer Maharaj on Netflix on June 13, Yashraj Films, the maker of the film, and Netflix, the OTT platform, approached the High Court and argued that the stay on the film’s release would result in financial losses to them. They emphasized the significance of the upcoming weekend and Bakra Eid public holiday on Monday for the film industry.

They also pointed out that the book Maharaj, on which the film is based, has been publicly available since 2023. Moreover, they highlighted that the Mumbai and Delhi High Courts have not imposed any stay on the movie. However, Judge Sangeeta Vishnen refused to grant any relief to Yashraj and Netflix, stating that the High Court has set a short date for the hearing, scheduled to take place on June 18.

It’s worth noting that prominent Vaishnavites, Krishna devotees, and Pushtimargis from Gujarat had challenged the scheduled release of Maharaj on June 14. They argued that despite repeated requests, Yash Raj and Netflix were unwilling to screen the film and demonstrate how Pushti Marg was portrayed in it. DeshGujarat