Amid reports of blood banks facing shortage, Gujarat BJYM to collect 58k units of blood

Gandhinagar: A meeting of the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM), the youth wing of the ruling BJP was recently held at the state party headquarters, Sri Kamalam, in the state capital. During the meeting, several future initiatives planned by the party and its youth wing were discussed.

After the meeting Prashantbhai Korat, the regional president of Yuva Morcha announced that on June 23, in commemoration of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee’s Sacrifice Day, Yuva Morcha will conduct Blood Donation Camps at mandal levels, aiming to collect at least 100 bottles per mandal. This initiative is expected to gather 58 thousand blood unit bottles from across the state’s 580 mandals. This initiative comes after recent reports of a shortage of blood in blood banks in the city.

In alignment with PM Modi’s call for “Ek Pad, Ma Ke Naam,” Yuva Morcha will organize tree planting drives to enhance environmental conservation and community fitness programs. This initiative aims to foster a sense of responsibility towards ecological sustainability among the youth.

BJYM will also observe June 25 Emergency Day with lectures across districts to honor those who endured hardships during that period. This program will serve as a tribute to individuals who were jailed and they sacrificed for the nation’s welfare. DeshGujarat