Gujarat University puts PM Modi’s MA mark sheets on website

Ahmedabad, May 14

In an attempt to clear the unnecessary ‘controversy’ around the educational qualifications of Prime Minister Narendra Modi created by AAP and Congress leaders and cadres, the Gujarat University, his alma mater from where he had taken his MA (external) degree, has now put his original mark sheets in public domain.

The prestigious university has put the scanned copies of the original mark sheets of Mr. Modi and another related document on its website.

The section of the website where the documents are placed has also made following remarks as a foreword – ‘ It seems there are inquiries regarding the postgraduate qualification of Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.We place herewith the OR (Office Record) of MA PART I and II of Mr Modi as below.’

It shows a total of 499 marks to Mr Modi’s credit in the MA external exam with a remark of first class. The Part 1 mark sheet issued in the year 1981 shows 237 marks to his credit while the Part 2 marks are 262.

The step to put the mark sheets in the public domain follows the raising of questions about the degree by Mr Jayanti Patel, a former professor of the university. He had recently claimed that the subjects mentioned in the PM’s degree were not part of the university’s syllabus when Modi was studying there.

– DeshGujarat