IIMA professor’s words of apreciation and advise for Narendra Modi

By our political desk, Ahmedabad, November, 2011

India’s man of grass root innovations movement, IIM Ahmedabad professor Dr. Anil Gupta posted words of appreciation and advise for Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Facebook.

In reference to Narendra Modi’s blog post on need to encourage innovative teaching practices, IIMA’s one of the most honorable and publicly known faces professor Anil Gupta said on Facebook, “excellent initiative of recognizing innovative teachers, but Cm(Chief Minister Narendra Modi) should consider having at least one lunch and one dinner every month with different grassroots achievers, that is what will help him get feedback for policy and also empower the achievers.”

Modi’s blog post was about a book published by state government which consists examples of 25 teachers who put innovation in practice to teach their students.

Modi described primary education as an area where innovations can deliver extremely satisfying results. He said Gujarat Educational Innovations Commission recognizes innovators silently working at the grassroots level.