Virangana Rajmata Nayika Devi Gaurav Divas marked in Patan

Patan: Nayikadevi Gauravdin Samaroh Samiti organized Virangana Rajmata Nayikadevi Gauravdinh Samaroh today at Patan in North Gujarat. The function was held in memory of Nayikadevi, a queen of Solanki vansh era of Gujarat who with her bravery compelled Islamic invader Muhammad Ghori to flee.

The function was conceived and executed by Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Industry Minister Balwantsinh Rajput attended and addressed the function.

A keynote lecture in this function was delievered by Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s central Secretary Vinayakrao Deshpande.

Here are the highlights of very insighful speech of Shri Deshpande:

* The British had an inferiority complex and feared that if Hindus became aware of their own identity, they would lose control over India. So they instilled an inferiority complex in Hindus by demeaning India, its faith, culture, and history, and portraying Ramayan and Mahabharat as myths.

* Britishers promoted the idea that British rule was a boon for India’s development.

* British education highlighted India’s defeats and deleted significant parts of its history, promoting the idea that all Indians are Aryan immigrants. Despite independence, British-influenced history continues to be taught in Indian education.

* Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar repeatedly asserted that the theory of Aryans coming from outside India is a lie. He opposed the British-imposed concept of Aryans versus non-Aryans and Aryans versus Dravidians, which was meant to divide Hindus. He stated that if Brahmins and Kshatriyas are Aryans, then scheduled castes and tribes are also Aryans.

* The Vishva Hindu Parishad emphasised that the golden history and bravery of Hindus should be brought amongst people. Examples include Raja Suheldev defeating Salar Masood, Rani Abbakka defeating the Portuguese, Rampyari Gurjar chasing down and defeating Taimur, Rani Velu Nachiyar defeating the British in Tamil Nadu, and Nayika Devi defeating Muhammad Ghori.

* There are many evidences of Hindu bravery that remain unknown because the British kept our history hidden. The defeat of Salar Masood by Raja Suheldev prevented foreign invasions in India for the next 140 years.

* Last year, the VHP proposed the idea of creating a memorial for Nayika Devi’s victory in Patan, erecting a statue of Rajmata Nayika Devi in Karnavati (Ahmedabad), establishing a memorial at the battle site on the Gujarat-Rajasthan border, including Nayika Devi’s story in Gujarat textbooks, and setting up a military school for girls named after her.
