More details on FL-3 license for liquor catering and consumption in GIFT City

Gandhinagar: More details have emerged regarding the guideline for liquor catering and consumption in GIFT City in Gandhinagar under the newly introduced FL-3 license. The details are as follows:

FL-3 license is only for hotel, club, restaurant that seek to cater liquor to those doing job in GIFT City or authorized visitors. Such hotel, club, restaurant can get FL-3 license after producing required documentary evidences before the Director of Nashabandhi department after required checks by the committee formed by the State government.

Only those who are authorized employees and authorized visitors can consume liquor in GIFT City and not others who have health permit, visitor permit, tourist permit for liquor consumption in the State.

Liquor access permits to employees working in GIFT City will be issued by GIFT’s authorized officer. Temporary permits for visitors in GIFT City will be given on the basis of recommendation by the company’s Human Resources (HR) department head/responsible official. The visitor will be accompanied by that company’s employee who has a liquor access permit.

Licensee will need to keep account of purchase and sell of liquor in prescribe format and keep the entire area under CCTV surveillance.

Liquor consumption can take place only in areas authorized under FL-3 license.

If license holders, liquor permits and liquor access holders breach any law, rule or guideline, it would attract action under Gujarat Nashabandhi Adhiniyam-1949 and other prevalent laws.

License holders will need to obtain required permits for hotel/club/restaurants such as food license, food safety license etc.

License holders will not be allowed to sell liquor to the State’s other permit holders.

Liquor must be catered at the place approved under the license.

Only liquor permits and temporary permit holders can enter the liquor shop after necessary verification.

A person will not be allowed to drive after consuming foreign liquor.

Liquor access permits and temporary permits will be issued to persons above 21 years.

Liquor access permits, temporary permits and FL-3 license holders must follow all prevalent laws and rules of centre and state government.

Liquor access permits and Temporary permit holders will not be allowed to drive vehicles after consuming liquor. They will need to keep permit related documents with them and produce them when demanded by relevant authority. DeshGujarat