Articles tagged under: Vadodara Vishwamitri series

2019: When Unprecedented Extremely Heavy Rains and Flooding Vishwamitri Stalled the City of Vadodara for 5 Days

September 21, 2024
2019: When Unprecedented Extremely Heavy Rains and Flooding Vishwamitri Stalled the City of Vadodara for 5 Days

(The artwork above was created during the 2019 floods by the talented young designer Harshshiv Solanki, based in Vadodara) Japan K Pathak The year 2019 flood in Vadodara was a 34.50 ft level flood, a half a ft more than the 34 ft flood witnessed in 2014 monsoon. The city witnessed unprecedental nearly 20 inches rainfall in less than a day period. There was lack of specific alert for this rainfall from the IMD in advance. Extremely heavy rains in the city, coupled with very heavy rainfall of 7....Read More

2014 was a lackluster monsoon for Vadodara, but then came a surprise as September brought flood

September 17, 2024
2014 was a lackluster monsoon for Vadodara, but then came a surprise as September brought flood

Japan K Pathak In the first article's first paragraph only in this series I suggested that the citizens and the city managers of Vadodara must realize that it's a flood-prone and vulnerable place in monsoons. Look at the example of the year 2014. Vishwamitri river flooded Vadodara city in September for roughly over two days and it came as a surprise. In 2014, Vadodara had minus 96% rainfall compared to average in the month of June. In July it was minus 15%, in August minus 48%, but in Sept...Read More

More Vishwamitri floods in Vadodara in 20th & 21st centuries; highest rain of June on record in 2005 caused first flood of century

September 11, 2024
More Vishwamitri floods in Vadodara in 20th & 21st centuries; highest rain of June on record in 2005 caused first flood of century

Japan K Pathak In the last article of this series, we read about the 1927 flood of the Vishwamitri River in Vadodara. Vishwamitri continued to flood the city on various occasions through the 20th century. As the overflow was limited to two days in most cases and death toll not significant, and much greater floods elsewhere in the country during the monsoon, the coverage of Vadodara floods remained limited to the local press. However, the floods in 1944, 1950, 1953, 1959, 1970, 1973, etc. can ...Read More

1927 flood of Vishwamitri in Vadodara attracted global attention amid reports of Ajwa dam burst and 1000 deaths

September 08, 2024
1927 flood of Vishwamitri in Vadodara attracted global attention amid reports of Ajwa dam burst and 1000 deaths

Japan K Pathak More articles of this series – Vishwamitri has long history of flooding Vadodara; Campbell in 1883 wrote that it ‘frequently overflows in monsoons’ Ajwa Dam was built based on annual average 39 inches rain in Vadodara; it’s now 42.24 inches and rising More Vishwamitri floods in Vadodara in 20th & 21st centuries; highest rain of June on record in 2005 caused first flood of century 2014 was a lackluster monsoon for Vadodara, but then came a surprise as Septem...Read More

આજવા બંધ વડોદરામાં સરેરાશ 39 ઇંચ વરસાદ પડે તે માપે બંધાયો હતો, હવે સરેરાશ થઇ છે 42.24 ઇંચ

September 07, 2024
આજવા બંધ વડોદરામાં સરેરાશ 39 ઇંચ વરસાદ પડે તે માપે બંધાયો હતો, હવે સરેરાશ થઇ છે 42.24 ઇંચ

જપન પાઠક વિશ્વામિત્રી નદીનો છલકાવવાનો અને ચોમાસામાં અતિ વધુ વરસાદના કિસ્સામાં પૂર લાવવાનો સ્વભાવ કેમ્પબેલના લખાણોમાં સારી પેઠે વર્ણવાયો છે. કેમ્પબેલે બોમ્બે પ્રેસિડેન્સીના ગેઝેટીયર્...Read More

Ajwa Dam was built based on annual average 39 inches rain in Vadodara; it’s now 42.24 inches and rising

September 07, 2024
Ajwa Dam was built based on annual average 39 inches rain in Vadodara; it’s now 42.24 inches and rising

Japan K Pathak Earlier article of this series - Vishwamitri has long history of flooding Vadodara; Campbell in 1883 wrote that it ‘frequently overflows in monsoons’ Next articles of this series - 1927 flood of Vishwamitri in Vadodara attracted global attention amid reports of Ajwa dam burst and 1000 deaths More Vishwamitri floods in Vadodara in 20th & 21st centuries; highest rain of June on record in 2005 caused first flood of century 2014 was a lackluster monsoon for Vadodar...Read More

વડોદરામાં વિશ્વામિત્રીના પૂરનો લાંબો ઇતિહાસ છે ; 19મી સદીમાં કેમ્પબેલે લખ્યું હતું ચોમાસામાં આ નદી અવારનવાર છલકાય છે

September 06, 2024
વડોદરામાં વિશ્વામિત્રીના પૂરનો લાંબો ઇતિહાસ છે ; 19મી સદીમાં કેમ્પબેલે લખ્યું હતું ચોમાસામાં આ નદી અવારનવાર છલકાય છે

જપન પાઠક વડોદરા શહેરના લોકો કે જેઓ ત્યાં વસે છે, અને શહેરના વહીવટદારો કે જે શહેરની ધૂરા સંભાળે છે તેમણે એ વાત સતત ધ્યાને રાખવાની જરુર છે કે ભૌગોલિક રીતે અને ઐતિહાસિક રીતે વડોદરા એ પૂરની આપત્...Read More

Vishwamitri has long history of flooding Vadodara; Campbell in 1883 wrote that it ‘frequently overflows in monsoons’

September 06, 2024
Vishwamitri has long history of flooding Vadodara; Campbell in 1883 wrote that it ‘frequently overflows in monsoons’

Japan K Pathak The people of Vadodara, including those who live there and who manage the city, need to constantly realize that the city is geographically and historically a flood-prone pocket and vulnurable during mid-July to mid-September period when there's extremely heavy rainfall in a short period. Floods in Vadodara due to overflowing of Vishwamitri river find mentions in journals during the pre-independence British era, Gaekwad rule, post-independence Mumbai state period, and post 1960 ...Read More