Local Hindus, Jains allege violation of Desturbed Area act by Prant office in Surat

Surat: The local Hindus and Jains from Gopipura locality in Surat protested after the local administration granted approval from purchase of 3 flats in an apartment by Muslims, despite of the disturbed areas act which is effective in this area.

A Muslim family has purchased 3 flats out of total 11 flats in Sunish apartment in Gopipura. The city prant office granted approval for the property transfer after purchase despite the disturbed areas act in force. Other flat holders in the apartment moved an application objecting sell of 3 flats to the Muslims. However, the approval was granted despite the objection of Hindus and Jains.

The local Hindus and Jains of the area protested and gave a memorandum to the district collector office demanding reconsideration. They stated that the area is a Jain and Hindu majority area. They threatened legal fight and agitation if their demand is not fulfilled. DeshGujarat