Atal Foot Overbridge gets 17629 visitors paying a total of ₹5 lakh as ticket charge

Sabarmati: A total of 17,629 people visited the Atal Foot Overbridge on Wednesday and paid ₹5.03 lakh in total to enjoy a 30 min walk on the latest attraction of the city. The bridge is built at a cost of about ₹74 crores.

Sabarmati Riverfront Development Corporation Limited (SRFDCL) said in a statement that 13,613 people between 12 and 59 years of age, 328 people of 60 and above, and 3688 children visited the bridge on Wednesday. Out of these total of 17729, 3968 people visited both Flower Park and Atal Foot Overbridge.

After the inauguration on Saturday Prime minister, Modi had paid a visit to the pedestrian bridge and two days later SRFDCL announced the ticket charges for visiting the Atal bridge for 30 mins.


The administration had felt the need to restrict entry by introducing ticket entry after looking at the heavy rush of thousands of people on the foot river bridge.

The ticket charge for those above 60-year age and those in the 3 to 12 years age group is ₹ 15. For those in the 12 to 59 years, age group the single ticket is available for ₹ 30. Those below 3-year age shall get free entry. For those differently able (handicapped), the entry shall be free of cost. One ticket is valid only for 30 minutes, between 9 am and 9 pm.
