Ticket Entry on Atal Foot River Bridge in Ahmedabad from 31st August

Sabarmati: Amdavad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has decided to start ticket entry for a visit to the Atal foot river bridge.

As per the details available, the ticket charge for those above 60-year age and those in the 3 to 12 years age group shall be Rs. 15. For those in the 12 to 59 years age group the single ticket shall be available for Rs. 30. Those below 3-year age shall get free entry.

Each visitor will be allowed on the bridge only for 30 minutes maximum. Hawkers are not to be allowed entry on the bridge. The bridge will remain open from 9 am to 9 pm. The visitors will not be allowed to carry, pan, masala, or gutkha on the bridge. Smoking is also prohibited on this bridge.

Ticket entry for Atal bridge and Flower Park combined shall be Rs. 40 for 12+, Rs. 20 for 3-12 age group and Rs. 20 for 60+ people. The entry shall be given only from upper promenade of East and West sides, while exit from lower promenade is allowed. Smoking is prohibited on Atal foot bridge. Any food items from outside is not allowed to be carried on the bridge. Pets are not allowed. Any sports items will not be allowed to be carried on bridge. The visitors are asked not to litter, not to damage any property including flowers and plants, keep silence, not to play music and dance, not to play sports, not to create noice, not to do any promotional activity. Professional photography and videography will be as per the rules effective on Sabarmati Riverfront.

The bridge was opened by Prime Minister Narendrabhai Modi on 27 August. The Prime Minister had visited the foot river bridge after its opening along with State Chief Minister and BJP chief CR Patil.

Looking at the heavy rush of thousands of people on the foot river bridge, the administration had felt the need to restrict entry by introducing ticket entry. For those differently able (handicapped), the entry shall be free of cost.