Gujarat Assembly Speaker announces prize to boost voter turnout in Tharad villages

Banaskantha: To encourage voting during the general elections of Lok Sabha in the rural area, the Gujarat Assembly Speaker has announced a competition between 11 villages of Tharad. The villages with the highest voter turnout will win a prize of Rs. 25 lakh, which will be used for development projects in the village. Villages ranked from first to seventh will receive the prize money.

Speaking at a public meeting in Lakhani village in North Gujarat, Chaudhary said, “Whichever booth has the maximum voter turnout will receive a Rs. 25 lakh grant for the development of that village. The village that records the 2nd highest voting will receive Rs. 20 lakhs, while the village with the 3rd rank in voter turnout will receive Rs. 15 lakhs.” DeshGujarat