Pet Rottweiler dog attacks girl in Vadodara, damage her vocal cords

Vadodara: A Rottweiler pet dog attacked a 12-year-old girl three days ago, and bit her neck which severed a vein and injured her vocal cords. The incident happened three days ago in Vadodara while the girl was reading a textbook at home. The girl’s mother intervened in the attack and saved her daughter’s life by rushing her to the hospital.

The incident occurred when the dog was sitting opposite the girl on a sofa, and a paper fell near him. The dog reacted suddenly by leaping and biting the girl’s neck. Her mother immediately managed to pull her daughter away from the dog. Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, she took the girl to the hospital.

At the hospital, Dr. RB Bhensania, an ENT surgeon, performed a two-hour surgery to repair the damage. The surgery saved the girl’s life but her ability to speak may take considerable to recover due to the severity of her injuries.

Dr. Bhensania explained that the dog’s bite resulted in emphysema due to the rupture of a vein alongside the girl’s vocal cords. He emphasized the critical nature of the injuries, noting that if an artery had been affected, the outcome could have been fatal. 

Rottweiler dogs are banned in 18 countries worldwide due to their dangerous nature, including France, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, Qatar, Malaysia, Romania, and the United States. DeshGujarat