Rajkot based hospital fined Rs 6.54 crore for submitting fake documents on Ayushman portal

Rajkot: The state health commissioner’s department has fined Nihit Baby Care Hospital on Laxminagar Main Road in Rajkot. The hospital is accused of a multi-crore scam involving fake documents on the Ayushman portal.

Dr. Hiren Mashru, the hospital’s doctor, is under allegations for orchestratating a scam amounting to Rs 2.35 crores by falsifying reports for 523 patients on the Ayushman portal within eight months. As a result, Nihit Baby Care Hospital has been suspended from the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) scheme and is fined Rs 6,54,79,500.

PMJAY scheme offers free health coverage up to Rs 10 lakh to eligible families. The hospital manipulated the regulations of the Ayushman card scheme. Dr. Hiren Mashru allegedly collaborated with labs to falsify reports. He falsely represented healthy children as ill. 

The Gandhinagar Health Department had sent a penalty notice to Dr. Hiren Mashru, detailing violations  under the PMJAY scheme The hospital improperly modified reports for 116 cases seeking pre-authorization, resulting in rejected claims totaling Rs 65,47,950. As a consequence, the government plans to levy a penalty ten times this amount.  DeshGujarat