Gujarat govt provides Robot, remote controlled buoy and more equipment to Amreli fire department

Amreli: Gujarat government has provided some latest equipment for rescue to local Fire department of Amreli Municipality. Among them is a remote controlled rescue-buoy which can sail in fresh water as well as sea as guided via remote control.

The State government has also provided under-water cameras and a robot which can rescue the people. A floating pump and tent are other latest items provided to Amreli district’s fire department for rescue, ahead of upcoming season of monsoon.

All new equipment were demonstrated before the district collector of Amreli, Ajay Dahiya by Fire safety officer HC Gadhvi at Thebi dam. Dahiya said Gujarat State Fire Prevention Service has given these latest equipment to the Municipality team. A control room can be set up at a location in tent, a remote controlled buoy can be used to rescue someone drowning in water, a plastic transportable boat can also be used to rescue and transport the persons.

Fire Officer Gadhvi said a robot can rescue a person in upto one km range. Underwater cameras can be used for search of a drowned person in water body. A floating pump can do suction of water from any water body nearby in the case of fire, and thus fire department’s water tankers can be filled with water quickly. DeshGujarat