Over 17k seats of these two courses remain vacant in Gujarat

Ahmedabad: About 17,074 MBA and MCA seats remain vacant in Gujarat after the completion of the second admission round, the Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) announced on Tuesday.

This year, a total of 21,553 seats were available for admission through the ACPC. However, 3,091 students confirmed their admission in the MBA program during the second round, while 1,388 students secured admission in the MCA program during the same round.

The committee stated that an online admission round will take place from September 2 to 15 for the remaining seats in grant-in-aid and government colleges. Students who submitted incomplete admission forms and those who did not pass the Common Management Aptitude Test (CMAT) will also be permitted to participate in this online round.

During this period, students seeking admission to private MBA and MCA colleges in the state must submit their admission forms directly to their chosen institutions, with admissions allocated based on merit and the committee’s regulations. DeshGujarat