Vav – Tharad to become 34th district of Gujarat; Govt announces decision

Gandhinagar: The Gujarat government today announced  formation of a new district of Vav-Tharad. A discussion was held, and a decision was taken in the State cabinet meeting today for the formation of Vav-Tharad as the 34th district in the State. The new district will be carved out from the existing large district of Banaskantha in North Gujarat.

Banaskantha has presently 14 talukas, which is the highest number of talukas in any district in the State. Banaskantha is area-wise the second number district in the State. In order to reduce the burden of population, area and talukas and easy delievery of government facilities, the existing Banaskantha district is going to be divided into two districts – Vav-Tharad and Banaskantha.

A new district of Vav-Tharad will have Vav, Tharad, Dhanera, Lakhni, Deodar, Bhabhar, Kankrej and Suigam talukas. Bhabhar, Tharad, Thara and Dhanera municipalities will be part of Vav-Tharad district. The talukas of Deesa, Dantiwada, Palanpur, Vadgam, Amirgadh and Danta will be part of  Banaskantha district. Municipalities of Palanpur and Deesa will be in Banaskantha district.

The district headquarters of the Vav-Tharad district shall be Tharad. Palanpur will continue to be the district headquarters of Banaskantha district even in its new form. According to Spokesperson minister Rushikeshbhai Patel, the Chief Minister has ordered to keep the number of villages in each of two districts at around 600. The area of Vav-Tharad district will be 6,257 square km while Banaskantha district will be 4,486 square km in size in its new form.

Patel said – the people of Vav-Tharad district will benefit from reduced distance of 35 km to 85 km from the district headquarters. Thanks to creation of two districts, the fund/grand allocated by the government will increase and it will result into increase in infrastructural and human development.DeshGujarat