Bageshwar Baba Dhirendra Shastri to be at Vishv Umiyadham in Ahmedabad for Hanuman Katha

Ahmedabad: Sanatan Parva will be celebrated in the city in January by the Vishv Umiya Foundation. Mahant Shri Dhirendra Krishnashastriji of the world-famous Baba Bageshwardham will present the Hanuman Katha discourse at the Vishv Umiyadham Temple, located in Jaspur, Ahmedabad. More than 1,000 devotees of Goddess Umiya attended a meeting to coordinate volunteering activities for the Divya Hanuman Katha, organized by Vishv Umiyadham. The meeting was attended by the trustees of Vishv Umiyadham, members of all the committees in the organization, and volunteers who are always eager to serve Goddess Umiya.

RP Patel, Founder and President of the Vishv Umiya Foundation, commented that Baba Bageshwar’s Divya Hanuman Katha, which will be held from January 3 to 6, is a very important event for the entire Sanatan community. He encouraged people to participate in this mega event to spread the faith of Goddess Umiya in India and around the world. Everyone is also invited to attend the bike and car rally, which will take place in Ahmedabad on December 29, 2024. DeshGujarat